Why should I participate?
HKPAX offers plentiful opportunities for arts professionals to enjoy international exposure, connect with potential partners, and network with international colleagues. Below is a list of advantages for different sectors of the creative industry:
Artists and Companies
- Showcase yourself to international audiences and potential presenters
- Share and exchange ideas
- Understand the arts and culture of Hong Kong, Asia and other places
Arts Presenters
- Scout programmes and talents
- Debate relevant topics and market trends
- Explore co-commissioning
Policy Makers
- Ensure better utilisation of funding
- Identify artists’ needs
- Establish partnership with counterparts
- Discuss relevant issues
Producers and Agents
- Meet the right presenters and touring partners
- Observe market needs
- Discover potential markets
Industry Related Sector
- Promote your products
- Reach out to venues and artists
- Identify the latest artistic demands to customise suitable strategies